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Each salad bowl is assembled using the coiling method, in black or light stoneware, and enamelled by superimposing two enamels containing red iron oxide. The “drop of oil” effect is due to this superposition. Therefore, each piece is original.

Black sandstone salad bowl 34

  • Height: 15.5cm

    Diameter: 24cm


    Weight: 1520gr

Anne Krieg

Purchase at the workshop:

21, rue Bonnat


+33 (0)6 01 97 39 12

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Payment credit/débit cards via Stripe (10 cartes accepted),  or offine by calling.

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Copyright © 2021

Photographs: Jean-Pierre Montagné, Gilles Leimdorfer, Elsa Bardout, Anne Krieg

Web design:  Elsa Bardout

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