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As a child, I had the experience of the dirt in my parents' garden. Somewhere in Alsace, I scratched the dirt, I made furrows in which I sowed seeds, that I watered under the wise advice of my father, amazed to be able to harvest later the fruit of our labor. Already there, I found the pleasure of seeing plants grow and measuring the generosity of the earth which gives back to the gardener what she has given him.


This experience was reproduced in an identical way afterwards with the work of the clay in the workshop. I accompanied my daughter Elsa, then a teenager, to a pottery class. Very quickly, I took great pleasure in the craft. At first, I felt doubts and fear about the medium that I know, but working it in another way. What can I do with it? How to use it ? Where will he take me? Through test and trial, exhilaration arise, of crafting, and  so many possibilities. Then, came choice of trade, and I set upon producing tableware, though less noble than sculpture, but more precious, as I wish it useful, practical, ergonomic as well as aestethic . 


Many teachers and ceramists handed down theirs knowhow to me in workshops. I owe them my knowledge and my skills, to who I am infinitely grateful for these moments of sharing, discovery and joy.

Anne Krieg céramiste picture©Gilles Leimdorfer (Moyen).jpg


Nadia and Alain Panziera, Cécilia Olabarieta, Bernadette Le Scouezec who taught me basic shaping techniques, techniques for applying and manufacturing engobes, oxides and enamels. Denis Grazon from the workshop l'Age de Faire  who taught me how to make and apply juice and HT° enamels on stoneware. Thanks to Patrice Couget, and to Yves Bardout, who patiently and tenaciously pushed and encouraged me along this path, I became a ceramist because of you.

Many, many thanks to Elsa Bardout  who developed this site. She helps me with ardor and enthusiasm.

I appreciate at their fair value the art shots of Jean-Pierre Montagne  and the Arthur Caudron video who appear there. 

Thank you all for your valuable contributions.

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Anne Krieg

Purchase at the workshop:

21, rue Bonnat


+33 (0)6 01 97 39 12

Payment credit/débit cards via Stripe (10 cartes accepted),  or offine by calling.
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Copyright © 2021
Photographs: Jean-Pierre Montagné, Gilles Leimdorfer, Elsa Bardout, Anne Krieg
Web design:  Elsa Bardout
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